Saturday, October 23, 2010

Bruise Like Feeling On Head


La Mostra de Valencia ends. COMIC AND MOSTRA too. We will, without fail, at the Mostra of next year. As a farewell, here we are a bunch of pictures with good times we lived in this issue. Bon appetit!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Videa Zoofilie Zoofilie Psp / Beastiality?


non stop Valencia !

activities in MOSTRA COMIC give no respite to the fans. Book presentations, meetings with authors, panel discussions, sign autographs ... This is a real treat for fans of the cartoons. LIABILITY, Borja Crespo Tute aging that you are giving! However, besides being in all of comics sara still takes time out from under the rocks to write on your blog

With your permission (yesterday I invited two beers) reproduce the last entry:

"Completely absorbed by MOSTRA COMIC and other chores. Valencian event goes well. emphasizes the participation of public in panels and signing sessions. The area of \u200b\u200bstands, the most improved.'s Blog Gotham News is doing a fine job tracking the conference: . There's also stuff in the blog of games, colored pens, and here
replied to some Internet questions. Going as an example of what is happening this video of a fan who collects the kick-off with the very great Purita Campos, who spent two hours signing non-stop. Great human being. "

And a tip, here below you can see the recorded video of the fan at the meeting that Purita Campos had with all his followers in Fnac Valencia. Bon appetit.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Everyday Minerals Base Big


Max, born Francesc Capdevila, is one of the most active comic artists of our publishing scene. The author of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bbased in Mallorca, skillfully combines cartoons with illustration, two sides joined by the pen that have allowed to enjoy an enviable internationally.

Among the many awards that crown his career, Max has the National Award for Illustration (97), the Ignatz (99), one of the largest U.S. and the Grand Prize Salo Barcelona International (00). The concern of this artist led him to found his own publishing company, INREV Edicions, under whose label released one of the most innovative publications of cartoons of recent times: "NSLM", formerly known as "We are the dead." Each of the illustrations of this comic, as few staff, hides a story. The search for new artistic trails is another of his obsessions, as embodied in works ranging from the poster for a tour and John Kiko Veneno the pet dog of the centenary of the Football Club Barcelona, \u200b\u200bthrough the cover of "New Yorker" or a series of books about Sherlock Holmes.

Think you can reveal some influence as an illustrator?
Belgian illustrator Ever Meulen has been my teacher. But you can also find influences of the great illustrators Catalans, as Opisso, and certain ancient and modern painters, Brueghel, De Chirico, Grosz ...

've created covers for prestigious publications as the New Yorker. " What has meaning in your career?
on the covers of "New Yorker" is the whole story of the century illustration XX. Olympus is for any illustrator. It's like touching heaven.

Is it hard work for such prestigious clients?
course, and not just because the bar for graphic quality is very high. The New Yorker, for example, is a very focused news weekly to your audience, people of culture and the American intelligentsia. Requires a view of current affairs highly adapted to that sensibility. It is easy from here, to find a vision that can appeal to the public at each particular moment.

when illustrating record covers, do you allow full freedom?
Yes, otherwise hardly would be fine. I get the best pictures the more concerned I am at work. For discs, the better from a previous emotional identification with the music they contain. Or a personal connection with the musicians, as has happened in most of my work in this field. A cover should be consistent with what is going to contain. May be with the atmosphere of music, or the topics of literature, or the attitude of the musician or band, or just the album title. But illustration is to communicate, and it is very difficult to communicate or convey something if that something you did not previously infected.

The children's book illustration is also one of your strengths.
I really enjoy working for the youngest readers. I still remember vividly how I introduced into wonderful worlds through pictures in books in my childhood. Few feelings are like that.

Where do you feel more comfortable in the field "cartoon or illustration?
In both areas I am comfortable and well, although I confess that it is in the story where I have my little heart.

Maybe the comic is a less applauded?
Do not believe. The cartoon is a more minor, but comic readers are set much responsibility for what they like. The figure reaches many more people, in fact I find it a thousand times each day in magazines, newspapers, posters or billboards, television spots, the packaging of the super ... But almost nobody notices the author of these drawings.

What remains of those early days in the journal "The Snake"? Since then it has rained a lot.
And it will rain, thankfully. In "The Snake" was the seed of much of what I do now. It is true that some things in those early years are shamelessly naive and I fall out of hand when I see them now, but learning is not a succession of hits, but staying resolving errors. I'm talking about comics, but I also sought to incorporate some things from that time to illustrate "Espiasueños." I did not want to make a "Best of ...", I was more interested in offering a vision of teaching as a process of learning a drawer, with its initial difficulties.

fantasy predominates in all your work.
Yes, but not at all a fantasy of escape to worlds unreal. I like the imagery of fantasy, but I like to use it to play real, everyday issues. It is a technique of alienation that I seems to produce good results and good finds visual narrative. Moreover, since Freud and Jung taught us that the fantastic images from the subconscious and are by no means innocent, responding to deeper realities of the individual and society. But also try to be careful not to be too tight or subliminal. I like my drawings can understand someone other than the psychoanalysts.

will hold a meeting with all the fans on Tuesday 19.
In Fnac at 19:30.

Thank You To In Laws For Wedding

A generation grew up with the cartoons Esther, a young freckled now legendary in our popular culture. Purita Campos, co-creator of the character with Phillip Douglas, Valencia view to the delight of their fans. Esther is a young female comic icon in the 70's.

Purita Campos began to draw his cartoons to the magazine English "Princess Tina" in 1971. The series was first published in Spain in 1974 in the pages of "Lily." The vignettes of "Esther and her world" was a publishing phenomenon in the second half of the seventies and until nearly the end of the eighties. Were published in England, Spain, Germany, Holland, Greece ...

Campos entered the world of the ninth art in the late 50's as a cover artist in collections such as "Can Can" or " Celia. " He soon began making comics for comics for girls as "Sissi", "White" "Dalia" ... The recent disposal of "The New Adventures of Esther has allowed us to once again enjoy their work, the better valued, as usual, with the passage of time. Esther and her world has an online community for more fans:

This afternoon at 18:00 the author speak at Fnac in all his career in the world of comics. To chat with Purita Campos, a moderator of luxury, the editor and theorist of comics: Antonio Martín.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

How Long Is Plan B In System


Maria Gallardo and Makoki

In the 80 was king of the underground. Makoki, public enemy number one, a violent and grumpy little guy, whose hallmark was a helmet full of cables, roll electroshock, became the symbol of an era in the pages of the now defunct magazine "The Viper." He even had his own song on the move, signed by Fernando Márquez "Lefty" and his group Paradise. Representative wild side of life, the lumpen, sex, drugs and rock'n'roll, the legendary antihero of paper, a social misfit fled the madhouse, bullets penetrated the underworld and attracted all kinds of readers.

Makoki once had its own editorial and head, even gave his name to a comic shop in Barcelona. The album "Escape from the model" went on to sell over 20,000 copies. It was a social phenomenon. Miguel Gallardo (Lleida, 1955), illustrator of the series and one of the authors most emblematic of our current story, recalls came back in 1977. The Catalan author has evolved in his work from those wonderful years of transgression underground, carving out a career as an illustrator in international press: "Herald Tribune", "New York Times" ...

has never entirely abandoned his work as a cartoonist. His album "Mary and I", based on her experiences with her autistic daughter, won the National Award for Comic of Catalonia in 2008. "It was a complete surprise to me," says the author. "The fact they chose Maria and I, which is not a very orthodox book, which draws on several sources, says much of the jury." This is a very special work. "It came of travel books that made for my daughter, where he was drawing the whole list of people she likes, also of the need to explain our history, the relationship between a father and a special daughter and our particular way of communicating ". A highly recommended title, signed by an artist who admits if flushing his influences: "All the world, B movies, cartoons, classic and modern comics, painting, shopping on" 100 ... "

Gallardo has evolved with his feet on the ground. His drawings have inspired other artists, also acclaimed. Take the ideas for their stories "of real life. And I discovered long ago is the best pool of ideas out there, you have right by your side. " When put to work, sketching a long, full papers and papers with ideas, the ink passes, scanned and colored with his beloved MAC. Header cites numerous authors: Segar, Vazquez, Charles Adams, Del Arco, Andre François, Savignac, Opisso, Gilbert Shelton, Max, Pepo Perez, CarlosVermut, Ben Katchor, Spiegelman, Crumb ... Creatively, he sees the comic as a medium rise . "The access of young artists and writers has been a breath of fresh air", explains the matter. "The fact that first published the novel as an exchange Alfonso Zapico Café Budapest says a lot about the time we spent. "

Gallardo has illustrated covers for books from weight and has signed with Victoria Bermejo several children's books. Ponce Angeles is author of "What's wrong with this child?" A guide on disability. Numerous awards look on your resume: Barcelona Comic Convention, Society of Newspaper Design, Serra d'Or, Junceda ... The era of "The Snake" was "my bachelor in comics, I learned everything there."
occasion of the visit MOSTRA Gallardo Valencia is projected COMIC the movie "Mary and I," unprecedented in Valencia, a documentary that has garnered rave reviews from critics and audiences.

Do you miss "The Snake"?
I miss the atmosphere there was rowdy camaraderie, hanging out with all those super-psychotic artists. Were other times and had half his age.

What remains of that time?
I think a lot, all the apparent chaos that generated that particular time was our mini-revolution in a time when the state apparatus and the media had not taken charge of communication and information. That small window of freedom continues to generate initiatives and ideas that I see reflected in everything from movies to the wild torrent of "Muchachada Nui". Music, design ... the energy is transformed, just as we have become different people.

Makoki How burst on the scene?
Ugh This is the big question. I got the idea of \u200b\u200ba literary fanzine which was a story told about a Majara escaping the mental hospital. There was still called Christus, giving the chance that he had written Borrallo Felipe, who was one of the regulars from our flat. From the second page, "Disco Express", Mediavilla was responsible for the scripts and sometimes the picture too. Like many of the characters that have become popular, there is nothing premeditated in his creation, a cluster of incidents that gives you something to work.

How do you they put him in working together?
Mediavilla was the scripts that came to be like story-boards, as the drawing too. At first he was in charge of funds, and sometimes the frames, because I had no idea of \u200b\u200bdrawing comics repajolera. Juanito was my teacher and my school. Based on repeated pages made me learn. At the end he gave me the storys sketched in planes and sausages I was adding my own. It was very fun and creative.

Makoki What the heck is?
Makoki character is a bridge, bridging the gap. And what distances! It's like Tin-Tin, by itself is not running. Catalyst makes the rock beside it. Often create problems so that the vomit of resolved as expeditiously as possible, but sometimes also give some ideas. Is a proto-punk.

What happened to the underground of the 80's?
Authentic just did not live underground. Nazario was practicing, Marshall, Max and his gang, selling comics in the bars and concerts, back in the mid 70's. Of "The Viper", and more commercial, involved the input of a lot of new ideas in a very stagnant market. Ideas connected with a generation eager to see reflected their lifestyles, tastes, their drugs and, finally, another different concept than our parents had instilled in us.

meant a lot ...
As I said before, it was a mini-revolution, a small golden age for comics, in which a new generation of comiqueros without having much idea of \u200b\u200bthe technique and the language of the medium, but loaded with lots of new concepts that had already seen the emergence in the U.S., France and Italy, was spent with everything that had to do something new and above all, fun.

Now handle another style in the stories.
years have passed, have added experience and the forms have changed. Everyone has to be renewed or remain on the site. I left the comic in the 90's with the album of my father as a last attempt to make a more personal story, following the birth of my daughter and the revolution caused in my life. It was also a fresh air intake on my way to see the comic, which was simplified to extreme minimalist. Now I enjoy telling stories because I myself have swept the limits I had set in my way of making comics. An example is the "Emotional World Tour." With Paco Roca I returned to the idea of \u200b\u200bcollaboration with another author who is always very rewarding and productive, inventing a new format halfway between the card travel and autobiography.

Gallardo, Pepo Pérez, Mauro Entrialgo and Paco Roca. Sunday 17. 17:00 hrs.
-Passeig Russafa Hall Plaza.

Sunday 17. 20:15 hrs. Lys Cinemas.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Best Place In Indiana To Buy Silver

all programming!

11:00: City Hall Plaza, Passeig Russafa
Opening commercial area stands
11:00: Film Municipal Foundation (Plaza de La Almoina, 4)
comic author Workshop (3 hours )
Delivered by MA Martin
14:30 pm: City Hall Plaza, Passeig Russafa
16:00 h: Film Municipal Foundation (Plaza de La Almoina, 4)
comic author Workshop (4 hours)
Delivered by MA Martin
17:00 pm: City Hall Plaza, Passeig Russafa
Opening commercial area stands
18:00: FNAC
Presentation of "Superheroes Atom Zatara: 75 years of DC Comics" (Taschen) Ciurana Carlos Moreno (Gotham News), Raul Peribañez, DC authors
19:00 h: FNAC
exposure DC Comics Opening
-Roundtable: "75 anniversary of DC Comics"
Speakers: Guillem March, Jesus Saiz, Ramon Bachs, Pere Perez
Moderator: Jorge Iván Argiz
21:00 pm: City Hall Plaza, Passeig Russafa
stands Close
Saturday 16 October
11:00: City Hall Plaza, Passeig Russafa
Opening the commercial area stands
12:00: FNAC
Meet Dave McKean
Moderator: Alvaro Pons
13: 30 h: City Hall Plaza, Passeig Russafa
Dave McKean, Salvador Larroca, Pascual Ferry
14:30 pm: City Hall Plaza, Passeig Russafa
17:00 h: Film Municipal Foundation (Plaza de La Almoina, 4)
comic author Workshop (3 hours)
Delivered by MA Martin
17.00: City Hall Plaza, Passeig Russafa
Guillem March, Jesus Saiz, Ramon Bachs, Pere Perez
17:00 pm: City Hall Plaza, Passeig Russafa
Opening the commercial area of \u200b\u200bstands
18:00: FNAC
- Roundtable: "Feedback total: comics, movies and video games."
Speakers: Nacho Vigalondo, John Tones, Sergio Bleda
Moderator: Borja Crespo
18:30 pm: City Hall Plaza, Passeig Russafa
Sign author
Paco Alcazar, David Sanchez, Javier Olivares, Albert Monteys
19:30 pm: City Hall Plaza, Passeig Russafa
- Roundtable: "Three perspectives comic: Paco Roca, Salvador Larroca and Pascual Ferry
Moderator: Koldo Azpitarte
21:00 pm: City Hall Plaza, Passeig Russafa
11:00: City Hall Plaza, Passeig Russafa
Opening the commercial area of \u200b\u200bstands
11 : 00 pm: Film Municipal Foundation (Plaza de La Almoina, 4)
manga comics workshop (3 hours)
Taught by Ken Niimura
12:00 pm: City Hall Plaza, Passeig Russafa

13:30 pm: City Hall Plaza, Passeig Russafa byline
MA Martin, Sandra Uve, Sergio Bledsoe
14:30 pm: City Hall Plaza, Passeig Russafa
16:00 h: Film Municipal Foundation (Plaza de La Almoina, 4)
Workshop manga comic (3 hours)
Taught by Ken Niimura
17:00 pm: City Hall Plaza, Passeig Russafa
Pepo Pérez, Mauro Entrialgo, Paco Roca, Gallardo
17:00 pm: City Hall Plaza, Passeig Russafa
Opening the commercial area of \u200b\u200bstands
18:00: FNAC
Meeting with Miguel GALLARDO
Moderator: Borja Crespo
19:30 h: FNAC
Roundtable: "The fashion Graphic Novel and the current state of comics. "
Speakers: Mauro Entrialgo, Pepo Pérez, Javier Olivares Sandra Uve and
Moderator: Borja Crespo
21:00 pm: City Hall Plaza, Passeig Russafa

11:00: City Hall Plaza, Passeig Russafa
Opening the commercial area stand

14:30 pm: City Hall Plaza, Passeig Russafa
17:00 pm: City Hall Plaza, Passeig Russafa
commercial area stands

18:00: Film Municipal Foundation (Plaza de La Almoina, 4) young comics workshop taught by Gerard Miquel - 10 - 15 years (2 hours)
19:30 h: FNAC
-Roundtable: fanzine: blogs and independent publications "
Speakers: MacDiego, Mireia Pérez, Rubén Fernández
Moderator: Daniel Bartual
21:00 pm: City Hall Plaza, Passeig Russafa


18:00: Film Municipal Foundation (Pza The Almoina, 4) Comic workshop taught by Gerard Miquel young - 10-15 years (2 hours)

18:00: FNAC
Meet Purita Campos
Chair: Antonio Martín

19:30 h: FNAC
Meet Max
Moderator: MacDiego
18:00: Film Municipal Foundation (Plaza de La Almoina, 4)
young comics workshop taught by Gerard Miquel - 10-15 years (2 hours)

19:30 h: FNAC
-Roundtable: "Comics in Valencia (and beyond)"
Speakers: Ladislao Kubala, Paco Camarasa, Juaco Vizuete, Joseba Basalo, Nacho Casanova
Moderator: Valentin Vañó


18:00: Film Municipal Foundation (Plaza de La Almoina, 4)
young comics workshop taught by Gerard Miquel - 10-15 years (2 hours)

18:00: FNAC
Presentation of "swallowed by the abyss. The comic adventures in Spain ", with Pedro Porcel (Author), Paco Camarasa (editor), José Luís Ferris (Instituto de Cultura Juan Gil-Albert Alicantino) and Borja Crespo
18:00: Film Municipal Foundation (Plaza de La Almoina, 4)
young comics workshop taught by Gerard Miquel - 10-15 years (2 hours)
18:00: FNAC
-Roundtable " What is 7 MONKEY? ".
Speakers: Manuel Bartual, Victor Santos, Manuel Castro, Juan Pedro Quilon, Jesus Huguet, Joan Marín
Moderator: Valentin Vañó
Saturday 23 October
18:00: Image Library
75 Anniversary Celebration DC Comics
Sign copies: Victor Santos

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Cheap Place For A Brazilian Missisauga


Alaquàs Born in 1968, Gerard Michael is a cartoonist and illustrator gone a long way in the art scene in Valencia.
be responsible for delivering the workshop young novice comic for students between ten to fifteen years.

direct heir of the Valencian school of the eighties, has done numerous works in various media: books, stories, comics, posters, advertising or ex-libris. As editor, he managed to "Kovalski Fly" Award for Best Fanzine in 1997 in the Salo del Comic de Barcelona.

COMIC MOSTRA Youth Workshop.
Aimed at young people between 10 and 15. Price: 5 euros.
Delivered by Gerard Miquel. Monday 18 Friday 22, from 18 to 20 hrs.
To register fill out the form at:

Monday, October 11, 2010

Free Cowichan Sweater Patterns

MA Martin
runs a workshop on comic author

"Brian the Brain", "Happy Days," "Kyrie, New European," "Snuff 2000", "Rubber Flesh "" Playlove "," Bitch "and" Psychopathia Sexualis "are some titles drafted by MA Martin, one of our internationally award-winning authors. In his extensive work has touched issues such as euthanasia, xenophobia, humor, children's comics The anti-globalization, genetics, contemporary art, culture hip hop, graffiti, body modification, drug design, science and technology ... Breaking social taboos is one of the personal obsessions of the artist Leon, but in one of his last album, "Playlove", dared with a romantic history, away from their regular accounts. He has also illustrated "The Rocket vain," her favorite story of Oscar Wilde. In Valencia during the festival will give a workshop for staff interested in alternative comics.

Your work is highly regarded in countries Italy, where art galleries expose. How do you take these things?
The only way possible, with a great sense of humor.

illustrated for newspapers, calendars, design firms ...
I have worked in all or almost all fields of illustration, including covers of books and records. I think I'm the only cartoonist who has designed a vibrator, it was to the Italian company selling YOOX online fashion.

usually say you do not read comics regularly.
Very few, actually. I temporarily lost interest in fiction in general, including the cinema or the novel because I find things that impressed me or motivate me. The autobiographical comics so popular not stand. People are always oil the mucus and sadder and i do not think so, is false, memos throwing the roll to be the sensitive, where behind no more than a spoiled child attitude ridiculous. Is there anyone in the world of comics that has an interesting life and intense as they have done in the literature Burroughs, Bukowski, Celine, or Miller, to name a few? I have the impression that the world missing comic reading, information and life. I'm not interested in anything the mediocre display of narcissism is so characteristic of these times, the same can be said of that shit they call indie film or music with that tag. I'm pretty sick of the roll "retro" at all. What really interests me is the era we live in itself is astonishing, but not their products mediocre art, characterized by fear of the future, nostalgia, sentimentality, low self-esteem, lack of sense of humor characteristics of the culture of narcissism that defines this transition period we are living.

What are your current inspirations?
I have already said: the world we live in general and in particular, science, technology and pornography. There are a thousand times more imagination and creativity in porn fetish, not the conventional shit's on TV, in film and comics all together.

edit you recently King Lear, a publisher of literature. How did it start? What changes have you noticed?
Its director, Jesús Egido is a of my best friends for over 25 years. Egido is a journalist, a great reader and lover of cinema and comics. It was he who found me as an artist back in 1981 when I made an exhibition of originals of my comics in a pub in León. I did the first interview to the press and gave me my first opportunity as an illustrator at the newspaper where he worked, "Diario de León, and later in" The Chronicle of Leon. " Who was going to say to me, and he who would become my editor! I had several offers for the publication of this cartoon, I can not stand the term "graphic novel" - and accepted King Lear, especially by Egido, who cares much editions. In fact, just got an award from the Ministry of Culture for the best book published. And because he was a publisher of literature in a little over a year has opened a hole in the hostile world of literature and has gained great respect. With this I will reach another audience not regular reader of comics, but begins to discover and show interest in him.

Are you fashionable?
I hope not, ha, ha, ha!

Location: Hotel Astoria.
Friday 15, 11 to 14 and from 16 to 20 hours.
Saturday 16, from 17 to 20 hours.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Exotic Mammal Stockists Uk

Workshop manga comics the song!

The workshops are a key part in the personality of COMIC MOSTRA programming. The Hispanic descent artist JM Ken Niimura Japanese taught a course on comic manga and environs, explaining his experience in the field. A path that has led recently to sign "I Kill Giants", scripted by American Joe Kelly ("X-Men"). Niimura is in turn responsible for titles like "Japanese cartoons", "Other cages", "Underground Love", "Clockworld", "absolute vacuum", "On the way Hank" and "Comics," among other works . In Valencia explain the key of a continuously expanding. This answers some questions about the intricacies of the story.

The cartoonist born or made?
say that everyone grows acquires basic knowledge for drawing: images and words we know and handle all and the specific language of comics is not alien to us either. The rest is to want to tell stories or draw them. I think everybody would be a good comic narrator, only so many people do not even try ... Most comic artists are those who continued to make puppets at the edges of textbooks and one day decided to put them on a separate sheet.

MOSTRA giving a workshop in COMIC. How do you take these kinds of events around the comic?
The first rooms to which I was fifteen years was like a party where he was to buy and see things from the series that I liked. Later, when I started doing fanzines, it was time to go and sell the fanzine people enjoy living and everything going on there day between zinesters and visitors. Right now I see it more as a meeting place for everyone in the media that I know as well as a place to move projects. It is still very fun, but otherwise.

's also a chance to meet your fans.
Yes, especially when I see people who come to that firm. Many time I know that when doing fanzines or magazines published in manga information, I am very surprised that some know my work for so long. Abroad, I freaked out more than once when I have brought a book that only was published in Spain or the entire collection of "I Kill Giants" in its English edition. Nor I can forget about a girl who came to Joe and I will sign in the comic book fair in New York this year. He had finished the comic fair way and could not hold back tears in front of us. And we almost do not.

How would you explain to a layman what a living?
By definition, should be a gathering of professionals and amateurs around comic, roundtables, lectures and exhibitions, but usually power than the commercial side, which often are nothing more than a big market for comics ... Moreover, as I checked, is a good chance to meet people who share the love of comics, to see what the state of the market and have a good time.

increasing number of such events.
Especially thanks to the fans who are really taking the word in this type of event.

What artists will attract attention and have come to influence your work?
Too many influences to put them on paper, in addition to that, of course, have changed over time. Yes there are some names that for one reason or another have always been there: Hayao Miyazaki, Miguelanxo Prado,
Ernst Lubitsch, Julio Cortázar ...

You started with a manga style, but now have a more personal ...
Like all artists, one starts with a number of references in the head. In my case, there is a difference from my early work, and I started with 16 years to publish in journals of manga, when most of my references were practically in the Japanese comic. Today, I try not to crush me a lot with this idea of \u200b\u200bstyle, it is important that the drawing is a tool to easily transfer the ideas from your head to paper and be faithful to the idea of \u200b\u200bdeparture. Based on authors read and see, I have been blurred in my mind the typical barriers that separate the Franco-Belgian comic American or Japanese, because deep down they all share common concerns.

conducts workshops on manga.
is something that has emerged spontaneously. Luckily I did not time consuming, allow me to change of scenery on the work at home and it's a good way to compare ideas and to learn by seeing how students work. What they are workshops on "manga" is tricky, because in reality I do not teach how to draw big eyes and stuff like: what interests me is that people leave with a concrete idea of \u200b\u200bhow it has to tell the stories, to drive the narrative or the pace of the stories. What is the real work of "manga", come on. And the funny thing is that I find it much easier to teach all this comparing with other types of manga comics, impossible for me to speak Japanese comic without putting it in relation to the American or French.

What would you recommend an artist who is starting?
For me the most important thing is to draw a lot, be curious about things, traveling, learning, experience and still have some time to put any of that on paper. Move a lot, teaching things here and there is also an asset. And especially not at any time to lose motivation, or forget the emotion of drawing a new line on the paper and go to shape a story.