2010 Reading Inventory
- The end of the same (Marcelo Cohen, Argentina, 1992)
- Nick Carter (sports while the reader is killed and I agonize) (Mario Levrero, Uruguay, 1975)
- Ida (Oliverio Coelho, Argentina, 2008)
- A Lover's Discourse Fragments (Roland Barthes, France, 1977)
- As I became a nun / The seamstress and the wind (César Aira, Argentina, 1993)
- Arturd Savile's crime (Oscar Wilde, France / UK, 1881)
- The great Gatdby (F. Scott Fitzgerald, USA, 1925)
- Ulis (Ercole Lissardi, Uruguay, 2008)
- Fogwil. The Complete Stories. (Argentina, 1974-2007)
- Herzog (Saul Bellow, U.S. 1964)
- Secrets of Romina Lucas (Ercole Lissardi, Uruguay, 2007)
- Hours bridge (Ercole Lissardi, Uruguay, 2007)
- After the great divide. Modernism, mass culture and postmodernism (Andreas Huyssen, Germany, 1986)
- Hair History (Alan Pauls, Argentina, 2010)
- The spirit of the time (Edgard Morin, United States / France, 1962)
- Hybrid Cultures. Strategies for entering and leaving modernity (Néstor García Canclini, Mexico / Argentina, 1990)
- working culture in mass society (Richard Hoggart, England, 1971)
- Beauty (Mario Bellatin, Mexico / Peru, 1995)
- literature and national life (selection, Antonio Gramsci, Italy)
- Castoriadis. The radical imaginary (Nicolas Poirier, France, 2004)
- Man plural. The springs of action (Lahire Bernard, France, 1998)
- modern soul's salvation. Therapy, emotions and culture of self-help (Eva Illouz, USA, 2008)
- Dialogue power and access to power (Carl Smith, Germany, 1954)
- social sense of taste . Elements for a sociology of culture (Pierre Bourdieu, France, selection)
- Country power, intellectual field (Pierre Bourdieu, France, selection)
- The savage of Aveyron. Psychiatry and pedagogy in the late Enlightenment (Philippe Pinel and Jean Itard, France, 1808 - 1814)
- Greenhouse effect (Mario Bellatin, Mexico / Peru, 1992)
- Bartleby and company (Enrique Vila-Matas, Spain , 2000)
- fucking machine and other stories (Charles Bukowski, United States, selection)
- Policy and aesthetics (Walter Benjamin, German, selection)
- Benjamin an introduction (Richard Foster, Argentina, 2009)
- Seven essays on Walter Benjamin (Beatriz Sarli, Argentina, 1990-1999)
- Writings: children's literature, children and young people (Walter Benjamin, Germany 1913 - 1932)
- Eichmann in Jerusalem. A study on the Banality of Evil (Hannah Arendt, Germany, 1963)
- The Cheese and the Worms. The cosmos according to a sixteenth-century miller. (Carlo Ginsburg, Italy, 1975)
- Bartleby (Herman Melville, England, 1859)
- Cathedral and Other Stories (Raymond Carver, USA, 1976-1983)
- Mythologies (Roland Barthes, France, 1956)
- unknown University (Roberto Bolaño, Chile, 1993)
- First Love, Last Rites (Ian McEwan, England, 1975)
- unknown University (Roberto Bolaño, Chile, selection)
- An Artist of the Floating World (Kazuo Ishiguro, England / Japan, 1986)
- The Importance of Being Earnest (Oscar Wilde , France / UK, 1895)
- Pale Fire (Vladimir Navokov, Russia, 1962)
Franny and Zooey - (Jerome David Salinger, USA, 1961)