Friday, January 29, 2010

Brine Triumph Xp Decals

Manifesto for Solidarity. 1 º Aniversario "



Those who sign this manifesto we are citizens with full use of our civil rights and holders of popular sovereignty, from which emanate the powers of the state.

Signatories we went to all citizens, aware of the situation of poverty, hunger and disease in which a large part of the human population in a historical moment like this, which have the sufficient political, economic and scientific that could solve these problems.

This manifesto is a universal calling and is aimed at all humanity, every human being that inhabits the planet, to become aware of the terrible situation faced by millions of people and somehow act accordingly to end this untenable situation. Therefore, the original version in English will be translated into different languages, since our purpose is to make the voice of public opinion in places where decisions are political and economic world.


We went to the politicians who rule our countries, as well as the highest representatives of international organizations such as the United United Nations and the presidents and governments of the economically powerful countries on Earth.


1 .- That this text has its origin in the fact of the extreme situation of need and hunger suffered by much of the population of the Earth and the unequal and unfair distribution of goods currently exists in the world. We understand that fairness and harmony in the world are based on the recognition of the inherent dignity and equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family, making it unacceptable that a large part of the world population have to facing such a precarious reality to such injustice and inequality, hunger, poverty and malnutrition. 2 .-

believe that this situation is particularly evil and not acceptable either morally or ethically, as all human beings are born free and equal. We also plead that all citizens of the world have these rights from the moment of his birth and not a future promise to be reached depending on the political, social or economic life of their countries. 3 .-

argue that it is completely unjust, immoral and a humanitarian crime punishable by international courts and history that, in the twenty-first century, human beings exist in the world starve and die for it. It is an aggravating of that crime, and there enough international laws, as well as the technical, economic and scientific steps to remedy the situation, those who exercise power in the world do not carry out the necessary actions to address what future generations will describe as a real genocide in which they are responsible all those who have the means to solve the problem, but not using them.

4 .- We consider this unfair situation is contrary to Natural Law, Human Rights and the most elementary rules of ethics and understand that it is time that the voice of public opinion demands from their leaders the end of such state of affairs. 5 .-

this manifesto is not a utopian manifesto, and which is not a political manifesto, nor is it intended to the establishment of a new political or socio-economic world, nor any damage to the business, health social and the developed world, but the most elementary justice to the disadvantaged.


1 .- The adoption of immediate and urgent measures to alleviate such a situation of hunger, disease and malnutrition in the Third World. We believe that such measures are not a utopia, but are perfectly viable and possible.

2 .- Maintain a commitment to meet Millennium Goals, established by the UN in 2000, defined the principles that must be adjusted performance of countries and the international economic system to overcome, with the horizon set in 2015, the injustices that afflict the humanity.

3 .- The systematic development of actions to the poorest countries and establish a logical and humane economic policy priorities, intelligent projects that create wealth and jobs in the affected countries, facilitating development sustainable and help them progress to the consolidation of a Health, economic and social environment that enables a return to baseline equality.

4 .- To take the necessary measures so that the richest countries allocate a portion of their budgets to create wealth, businesses and jobs in the affected countries and the adoption of an international agreement that signed in the UN should be mandatory for developed countries.

5 .- The implementation of an ethical code governing the strategy of multinational enterprises and the elimination of tax havens and the implementation of the Tobin tax, or a similar one in international business transactions, that could produce solidarity fund managed by the UN.

6 .- Do not accept simple statements of principles that are not translated into concrete policies. In short, we appeal to the sense of generosity and humanity of everyone, especially from the economically powerful international political class.

From the land that he hopes and believes in solidarity to build a better and fairer world, to January 30, 2009 "


Qui sommes-NOUS:

Les adherents à ce manifeste sommes des citoyens en plein usage of our droits civils et populaire Titulaire of souveraineté of émanent laquelle les Pouvoirs de l'État.

The signatories we address all global citizens, aware of the situation of poverty, famine and disease in which there is a large part of the human population in a historical moment, like the current, which is available sufficient resources both in the political, economic and scientists to solve these problems.

This declaration is a universal calling and is addressed to all humanity, every human being that inhabits this planet to become aware of the terrible situation faced by millions of people and a them to act accordingly, to bring end to this situation. To do this the original version in English will be translated into different languages, since our intention is to hear the voice of public opinion to the places where decisions are made concerning the political and economic world.


We appeal to the politicians who rule our countries, and the highest of International Organizations such as the United Nations, and the presidents and governments of countries more powerful, economically speaking, the Earth.

WE DECLARE: 1 .- That

this text comes from the finding of the extreme situation of need and hunger that afflicts a large proportion of the population of the Earth and the unjust distribution of goods existing in the world today. We believe that fairness and harmony in the world are based on the recognition of the inherent dignity and equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family, why it is unacceptable that a large part of the world population has to face a precarious reality to such a degree of injustice and inequality, as famine, poverty and malnutrition.

2 .- We believe that this situation is inherently evil and unacceptable or morally or ethically, as all human beings are born free and equal. Similarly, we must not forget that all citizens of the world have these rights from birth, not a future promise of conquest depends on the political reality, social and economic development of countries.

3.-We defend what is absolutely unjust, immoral and a crime punishable humanitarian international courts and history that right in XXI Century, there are human beings who suffer from hunger and die. That is an aggravating circumstance of this crime, existing international laws adequate and that the technical, economic and scientific to correct this situation, those who exercise power in the world do not carry the necessary actions to resolve that future generations would characterize as real genocide in which offenders are those who, while having the means to solve this problem do not have used.

4 .- Let us consider this unfair situation is contrary to natural law, human rights and ethics rules the most basic and we believe the time has come that the voice of public opinion requires its leaders by the end of such a state of things.

5 .- That this is not a manifest utopian nor a political manifesto, nor do we claim this with the introduction of a new political and socio-economic world, nor any of the networks business, health and welfare of the developed world, if not justice the most basic to the most needy.


1 .- The adoption of immediate and urgent measures to end the famine, disease and malnutrition in the Third World. We consider that such measures are not a utopia as they are perfectly viable and possible. 2 .-

maintain the promise of meet the Millennium Development Goals which were established by the United Nations in 2000, defines the principles that must adapt national leadership and the international economic system to overcome, as with 2015, the injustices suffered by humanity.

3 .- The implementation of systematic acts of solidarity towards the poorest countries and establish a logical and humane economic policy priorities, including intelligent projects that create wealth and employment in affected countries, facilitating sustainable development and progress to help them to consolidate a network health, economic and social stability that makes possible return to egalitarian baseline.

4 .- That the necessary measures are taken so that the rich countries allocate part of their budgets to create wealth and business and work sources in the affected countries, and the adoption of an agreement International which is expected to endorse the UN and mandatory application of the developed countries. 5 .-

implementation of an ethical code that controls the strategy of multinational enterprises and the elimination of tax havens and the implementation of the Tobin tax or a similar one in international business transactions that allows create a solidarity fund managed by the United Nations.

6 .- We will not accept simple statements which are not transformed into concrete policies. Ultimately, we appeal to the sense of generosity and humanity of all and fundamentally the international political class, economically powerful.

From the Earth that hopes and believes strongly in the solidarity that can build a better and fairer world, January 30, 2009.



We, the endorsers of this Manifesto, we are Citizens of Our total use civil rights and Holders of Popular Sovereignty from where State Powers are emanated.

We, the signers, aware of the situation of poverty, hunger and illness in which great part of the human population lives despite being in a historical moment, as the current one, where sufficient political, economical and scientific means are available so as to solve these problems, address to all world citizens.

This public declaration is a universal calling which heads for the whole humanity, to each human being that inhabits this planet, for them to become aware for the terrible situation that millions of people have to face and, somehow, to encourage them to act accordingly, to bring to an end this unsustainable situation. This is why the original version in English will be translated to different languages, since our intention is that the public opinion´s voice is heard in those places where political and economical decisions are adopted.


We address to all the politicians who rule our countries; as well as to the highest heads of International Organizations, such as The United Nations, and to presidents and governments of the richest and most powerful countries of the world.


1.- That this text has its origin in the certain fact of the extreme situation of the needs and hunger a big part of the world’s population suffers and in the current unequal and unfair distribution of the properties existing in the earth. We understand that the equanimity and the harmony in our planet must exist based in the acknowledgment of the equal, inalienable and intrinsic dignity of all the members of the human family, that is why it is unacceptable that a big part of the world’s population has to face such a precarious reality with this level of injustice, inequality, hunger, poverty and malnutrition.

2.- Since all human beings are born to be free, we believe that this situation is particularly evil and unethical. We also plead that all citizens in the world must have these rights in the same moment they are brought to life and not as a future promise to be reached depending of the political, social or economical reality of their homeland.

3.- We defend what is utterly unfair, immoral and a humanitarian punishable crime before the international courts and the History that right in the 21st century there still exist human beings starving in this World and dying because of that. It is an aggravating circumstance that, existing enough international laws and technical, economical and scientific means to correct the aforementioned situation, those who have the power in the world do not carry out the necessary actions to solve what future generations will only describe as a real genocide in which they all will be guilty for having the means to solve the problem, but not using them.

4.-We consider this unfair situation to be against the Natural Law, the Human Rights and the procedure of the most elementary ethical principles, and we understand that the moment has come in which the voice of the public opinion demands from their leaders the end of such state of affairs.

5.- That this is neither a utopian nor a political manifesto, and it does not expect the founding of a new political or socio-economic world order, nor any damage to the business, sanitary or social network of the First World, but the most elementary justice with the underprivileged.


1. To adopt immediate and urging measures to alleviate such a situation of hunger, illness and malnutrition in the Third World. We think that such measures do not represent any utopia as they are perfectly feasible and possible.

2. To maintain the promise of fulfilling the Millenium Objetives which were established by the UN in the year 2000. These Objectives define the principles that the countries and the international economical system must follow in order to overcome the unfair situations humanity suffers towards the year 2015 (as it was agreed).

3. To perform systematically acts of solidarity towards the countries in an unfavourable position and to establish a logical and human order of priorities in the economical policy, including intelligent projects that create wealth and jobs in the aforementioned countries, offering sustainable development and progress to help them to consolidate a permanent social, economical and health service network that makes it possible for them to start from an equal position.

4. To take the necessary steps so that the richest countries allocate part of their national budgets to create wealth, companies and work sources in the aforementioned countries, as well as to adopt an international agreement, which should be compulsory for the developed countries and signed in the UN.

5. To implement an ethical code that regulates the multinational companies strategy, as well as the elimination of the tax havens and the application of the Tobin Tax —or a similar one— to the international commercial transactions, that will allow to create a solidarity fund managed by the UN.

6. We will not accept simple declarations of principles that are not transformed into specific policies. In Other Words, we appeal to everybody's sense of Generosity and Humanity, Especially from the ones Who belong to the international ruling class Economical That Have the Power. From the Earth

That waits and in the Solidarity Firmly Believes That Can Build A Better and Fairer World, 30th January 2009.










(Clicking on the title of the post can access to the original with its corresponding links) .

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Incubatiuon Period For Impentigo

The University student Ian Rodríguez travel next Feb. 8 to Anantapur, in central India, to join the team of collaborators of the Vicente Ferrer Foundation. Ian replaces Daniel Carcedo (you can check the details of your stay your personal blog ) in the control of work tasks. We also enabled a blog to stay for Ian, .

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

1980's Aerobics Instructor Costume

Soseki. Immortal tiger.

Soseki. Immortal tiger. Fernando Sanchez Drago

Planet. 352 pp. 19 e.


Beppo "," Pluto ", were born cats the literature of Borges and Poe ... Many others had to be achieved transcendence through writers gave them poetic justice, as Kipling, Neruda, Perrault, Baudelaire, Threshold ... And beyond our tradition, Natsume Soseki, author of I, the Cat, a reference which many of the senses through this book Sanchez Drago because it offers the story of a cat lashed to humans of his time. Soseki. Immortal tiger cat that pays tribute to more than one hundred years, aimless and without boots, in the skin of a cat who was born in a town of Soria and did not surrender, as was done for adventure, to find a home love, family and a name. Which might have been "Theseus" because the "house" maze "in which he lived, with writer and his wife, he found his destiny.

But let the reader what is the plot device and obviate the preambles to make us dwell on an author who has accustomed us to all sorts of eccentricities, except for tenderness it's interspersed with a story that goes back and forth between being a story of children and adults can understand adult story for children. Even if the excuse is dedicated to his granddaughter the story of a cat that eventually take place in a story, dress it with the verses of Ruben Dario (to save to memory "grandfather one day I wanted to tell a story") and include the presence of its target in dialogues that intersect the original story to emphasize that purpose ... the final decision comes closer too the sides of the writer. So?: For the adventure of the hero home runs along the process of creating the story, and the biography of his obsessions. And the draft narrative plunges into a monologue that shows some improvisation in the compositional technique, while providing an interesting anecdote. But it always comes back to "Soseki." And yes, the story ends up being the cat that was installed in such a way that his death affects only found comfort in writing this book, which will keep living in nirvana literature. And, of course, in the presence of new cats!: One, "Theseus", how could it be otherwise. The other is still looking for his name.

Well. Review copy because, apart from being so prohibited and increasingly play any fragment of a work (¿?), the truth is that there is plenty that could bring, but none that would reflect the soul of the book, which is the whole book and everything that is not in the book and one can imagine.
followed him, Mr. Writer, unconditionally on TV (I speak in the past because I have Telemadrid, although I knew in any event by other means ...). I cried with her death, the death of Soseki, I cried with laughter incredible episode on TV, I got no time when the author signed copies in La Coruña do anything, anything I've ever done or wanted to do until then, the next day signed the writer in the press as controversial article on "mola volunteer" with which I agree and so I have even suffered, but not Santa Claus or the Three Kings want me to stay without him and no got one but they brought me two (I changed a life bitch Petersburg Narboni Juanita), without either of them autographs, but that goes into the book ...

also cried with the book, and I purified.

not miss it. Gatistas readers gatistas non-readers, readers gatistas, nor gatistas or readers. Let me know (which I read). A book exceptional. Really. And I know that I believe.

I can not mention or link the obituary perhaps I should have been what who whose to be copied here. I do not know.

The blog is abandonadísimo (and yours too) for personal reasons that I dare not explain, but they are serious, some know them in hand, very few know everything (I think only two of you over perhaps, or certainly, your cat) and you can imagine how hard this book had I got back here.

Love and health for all,


(Photo found on Google images).

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Firered Gpsphone Cheats

1. Tokyo Blues. Norwegian Wood (Haruki Murakami, Japan, 1987)
2. Paradise on the other corner (Mario Vargas Llosa, Peru, 2003)
3. Vindication of the Rights of Women (Mary Wollstonecraft, England, 1791).
4. Dog heroes. Treaty on the future of Latin America as seen through a motionless man and his thirty Pastor Belgian Malinois (Mario Bellatin, Mexico, 2003)
5. Less than zero. (Bret Easton Ellis, USA, 1985)
6. The Devils of Loudun (Aldous Huxley, England, 1952)
7. Illness and Its Metaphors. AIDS and Its Metaphors. (Susan Sontag, U.S., 1977/1988)
8. Never leave me (Kazuo Ishiguro, England, 2005)
9. Almost never (Daniel Sada, Mexico, 2008)
10. Happiness, eroticism and literature (George Bataille, France, 1944-1961)
11. My two worlds (Sergio Chefec, Argentina, 2008)
12. Will. Volume II: heaven by assault. 1969-1973 (Eduardo Anguita & Martin Caparros, Argentina)
13. Paco poetry Urondo (Argentina, 1950-1972)
14. Sea (John Banville, Ireland, 2005)
15. Climbing diary (Enrique Vila-Matas, Spain, 2008)
16. Chesil Beach (Ian McEwan, England, 2007)
17. Eroticism (George Bataille, France, 1957)
18. A place called Oreja de Perro (Iván Thays, Peru, 2008)
19. The Witness (John Villoro, Mexico, 2004)
20. The trip (Sergio Pitol, Mexico, 2000)
21. Rest of walkers. Diaries (Adolfo Bioy Casares, Argentina, 1947-1989)
22. A chance at life. Scriptures intimate (Alberto Giordano, Argentina, 2006)
23. My friend Pierrot (Raymond Queneau France, 1942-1945)
24. The Elementary Particles (Michel Houellebecq, France, 1998)
25. Complete Stories of Flannery O `Connor (USA, 1946-1965)
26. What is Property? (Pierre Joseph Proudhon, France, 1840)
27. The Catcher in the Rye (JD Salinger, USA, 1945)
28. Expansion of the battlefield (Michel Houellebecq, France, 1994)
29. The walk (Robert Walter, Sweden, 1917)
30. Leave everything to me (Mario Levrero, Uruguay, 1994)
31. Cosa de Negros (Washington Cucurto, Argentina, 2003)
32. Under this tremendous sun (Carlos Search, Argentina, 2009)
33. Austerlitz (WG Sebald, Germany, 2001)
34. Betrayed by Rita Hayworth (Manuel Puig, Argentina, 1968)
35. Manuel Puig: The Betrayed by Rita Hayworth (Alan Pauls, Argentina, 1986)
36. The truth of the lies (Mario Vargas Llosa, Peru, 2002)
37. The Elementary Structures of Kinship. Volume I (Claude Levi-Strauss, France, 1949)
38. The Possibility of an Island (Michel Houellebecq, France, 2005)
39. The Reader (Bernhard Schlink, Sweden, 1995)
40. Personal Library (Jorge Luis Borges, Argentina, 1988)
41. Pitch (Sergio Chejfec, Argentina, 2000)
42. Let's talk about lobsters (David Foster Wallace, USA, 2006)
43. Memory Shakespeare (Jorge Luis Borges, Argentina, 1983)
44. Lessons for a Dead Hare (Mario Bellatin, Mexico / Peru, 2005)
45. I was a child of seven years (Cesar Aira, Argentina, 2005)
46. The light novel (Mario Levrero, Uruguay, 2005)
47. Sketch book (Jack Kerouac, USA, 1952-1954)
48. Tropic of Capricorn (Henry Miller, USA, 1939)
49. Hydrangeas and other stories (Felisberto Hernández, Uruguay, 1945-1974)
50. The Tin Drum (Gunter Grass, Germany, 1959)
51. Consuming the Romantic Utopia. Love and the Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism (Eva Illouz, United States USA, 1992)
52. Cold Intimacies. The Emotional Capitalism (Eva Illouz, USA, 2006)
53. Psychoanalysis of Fairy Tales (Bruno Bettelheim, USA, 1975)
54. The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat (Oliver Sacks, England, 1985)
55. The electronic revolution (William Burroughs, USA, 1970)
56. Doctor Pasavento (Enrique Vila-Matas, Spain, 2005)