Soseki. Immortal tiger. Fernando Sanchez Drago
Planet. 352 pp. 19 e.
Beppo "," Pluto ", were born cats the literature of Borges and Poe ... Many others had to be achieved transcendence through writers gave them poetic justice, as Kipling, Neruda, Perrault, Baudelaire, Threshold ... And beyond our tradition, Natsume Soseki, author of I, the Cat, a reference which many of the senses through this book Sanchez Drago because it offers the story of a cat lashed to humans of his time. Soseki. Immortal tiger cat that pays tribute to more than one hundred years, aimless and without boots, in the skin of a cat who was born in a town of Soria and did not surrender, as was done for adventure, to find a home love, family and a name. Which might have been "Theseus" because the "house" maze "in which he lived, with writer and his wife, he found his destiny.
But let the reader what is the plot device and obviate the preambles to make us dwell on an author who has accustomed us to all sorts of eccentricities, except for tenderness it's interspersed with a story that goes back and forth between being a story of children and adults can understand adult story for children. Even if the excuse is dedicated to his granddaughter the story of a cat that eventually take place in a story, dress it with the verses of Ruben Dario (to save to memory "grandfather one day I wanted to tell a story") and include the presence of its target in dialogues that intersect the original story to emphasize that purpose ... the final decision comes closer too the sides of the writer. So?: For the adventure of the hero home runs along the process of creating the story, and the biography of his obsessions. And the draft narrative plunges into a monologue that shows some improvisation in the compositional technique, while providing an interesting anecdote. But it always comes back to "Soseki." And yes, the story ends up being the cat that was installed in such a way that his death affects only found comfort in writing this book, which will keep living in nirvana literature. And, of course, in the presence of new cats!: One, "Theseus", how could it be otherwise. The other is still looking for his name.
Well. Review copy because, apart from being so prohibited and increasingly play any fragment of a work (¿?), the truth is that there is plenty that could bring, but none that would reflect the soul of the book, which is the whole book and everything that is not in the book and one can imagine.

followed him, Mr. Writer, unconditionally on TV (I speak in the past because I have Telemadrid, although I knew in any event by other means ...). I cried with her death, the death of Soseki, I cried with laughter incredible episode on TV, I got no time when the author signed copies in La Coruña do anything, anything I've ever done or wanted to do until then, the next day signed the writer in the press as controversial article on "mola volunteer" with which I agree and so I have even suffered, but not Santa Claus or the Three Kings want me to stay without him and no got one but they brought me two (I changed a life bitch Petersburg Narboni Juanita), without either of them autographs, but that goes into the book ...
also cried with the book, and I purified.
not miss it. Gatistas readers gatistas non-readers, readers gatistas, nor gatistas or readers. Let me know (which I read). A book exceptional. Really. And I know that I believe.
I can not mention or link the obituary perhaps I should have been what who whose to be copied here. I do not know.
The blog is abandonadĂsimo (and yours too) for personal reasons that I dare not explain, but they are serious, some know them in hand, very few know everything (I think only two of you over perhaps, or certainly, your cat) and you can imagine how hard this book had I got back here.
Love and health for all,

(Photo found on Google images).
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