Open Letter to the direction of the Madrid Botanical Garden

Dear Sirs:
I recently learned that responsible for the Madrid Botanical Garden have decided to sacrifice cats refugees living at the facility. I'm from Madrid and I am proud of my city, on the evolving result of openness, coupled with an interest in people and adapt to social improvements, both collectively and individually. Respect for nauraleza and animals, in particular, is an example of civility and open-mindedness, defending our heritage and our habitat. But we are not exempt from defects of any human and you know as well as I, that the abandonment of domestic animals is further evidence of how much remains to be improved. These cats, which I had the pleasure to see when I passed by their enclosure, they survive without harming anyone and only are innocent victims of the ruthlessness of some of our fellows who have left to their fate. They do not deserve to pay with his life for something we are not responsible. I have to say that, like me, many of us locals and visitors that we are proud that so far have been allowed to stay in this place so cozy, protected and at the same time free to enjoy a nature that also belongs to them, like you and me. You need a birth control of these creatures, of course, but to take away the life I now enjoy is not the most fair and civilized.

Den You also evidence of its evolution, in other European cities this decision would be unthinkable. I hope they reconsider, for the sake of these animals and why not, we respect the other citizens of our cultural and natural heritage, being run by competent staff, but also compassionate, as it has been so far the leadership of our beloved Botanic Garden Madrid.

"I do not know if he ever has happened to you / But the Botanical Garden is a park asleep just wake up with the rain / ... but when the rain falls on the Botanical / Here are only the ghost / You can go / I'll stay .... (With cats) Oak Left .- Mario Benedetti
Yolanda Ruiz Plaza
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