Community Radio will broadcast the show live
radios that make up the World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters (AMARC), Argentina , the concert broadcast live to the Uruguayan band The Like in the indoor stadium will Malvinas Argentinas in Buenos Aires, on Saturday May 15.
Gustar not going to dismiss his latest production "The longest journey" (2008) before going to record his new album. The Webcast will begin at 19 pm with band interviews and full coverage pre-show. Can be heard live as well as online. Some of the radios that will broadcast the show are:
Buenos Aires:
Morón: 93.9 Fm In Transit (www.fmentransito.org.ar)
Ramos Mejía: Freeway Fm 90.7 (www.freewayrock.com.ar)
Quilmes : Ahijuna Fm 94.7 (www.radioahijuna.com.ar)
Mar del Plata: 88.7 Fm From The Roof (www.radiodelaazotea.com.ar)
Delhi: Fm De La Calle 88.1 (www.fmdelacalle.podomatic.com)
Buenos Aires
Fm La Tribu 88.7 (www.fmlatribu.com)
Córdoba: Capital City: Reverse Radio 88.7 Fm (www.radioreves.eci.unc.edu.ar)
Nono: Radio El Grito 95.5 ( www.elgrito.radioteca.net)
Black River: El Bolson: Alas Fm 89.1 (www.fmalas.org)
Jujuy, San Salvador: Minka Fm 88.7 (www.radiominkafm.blogspot.com)
will be added to the community radio stations also broadcast in Mexico, Uruguay , Paraguay and Chile. The full list www.amarcargentina.org.ar Argentina
AMARC organizes this special production with the aim to continue working and promoting the right to communication and culture. Are currently part of the network to 30 stations, production facilities and community communicators.
is the second time Argentina AMARC carries out the joint diffusion of a cultural event. Last year in the context of discussion of the broadcasting law was passed the concert he gave La Renga to 50000 people in the city of La Plata, making it possible for more than 5000 listeners around the country and Latin America to listen live to the band through radio that is in your community.
A globally since its founding in 1983, AMARC accompanies and supports the development of community broadcasting that has democratized the media sector. AMARC advocates for the right to communicate at the local, national and international levels and defends and promotes the interests of the community radio movement through solidarity, networking and cooperation.
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