Rumors spread on the Internet are increasingly difficult to distinguish for the Internet, as much as 70 percent of Internet users stated that has difficulty distinguishing between a hoax and a reliable news, according to a report released Wednesday by the Association of Internet.
'For most Internet users spread hoaxes to create alarm and are used between rivals to tarnish the image of brands, "the document said.
Rumors about politics, food and health are the most widespread, though closing the accounts of the MSN Hotmail service, arguments against the benefits of Actimel yoghurt milk or toxicity of the energy drink Red Bull have been the most widespread last year, according to the study.
Another objective of the dissemination of these rumors is the uptake of Internet Protocol addresses (IP) and creating databases for future campaigns, achieved through the forwarding of information.
forums, blogs and email addresses appear as the main channels propagation and dissemination of false alarms while the online versions of the mainstream press, with a score of 3.37 on five, are the most reliable sources for users.
However, the Internet remains an indispensable tool for finding information for 94 percent of respondents also said that is the most common action performed on the Web
. com/wp2/2009/09/03/los-internautas-se-creen-todo-lo-que-leen-en-internet /
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