Most tax increase in history will not affect the English political
Zapatero said Wednesday the largest tax increase in history of Spain and that the Government intends to raise about $ 1,000 extra for every household. However, this increase does not affect everyone equally. Up to 75% of real income is tax-free policy. Each household will pay $ 1,000 extra in taxes Emilio J. González
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The tax increase (1.5% of GDP ) announced yesterday by the Prime Minister, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, will not affect the English politicians, because they have great privileges in taxation.
The reason is that a substantial proportion of their income is tax free. And, between 40% and 75% of the real salary of deputies, senators and, in general, any office of public performance, enjoy tax exemption. That is, not taxed at Treasury, as stated in the financial daily Business. And that, thanks to hefty charge your Lordships diets.
In its article 17.2, paragraph b, of the Income Tax Law makes exempt amounts that parliaments and other public institutions "allocated for travel and travel" to the public representatives. Legal experts say this type of diet includes succulent extras.
A deputy could get to pay taxes, easily, the top marginal income tax rate, set at 43%. However, the inclusion of fees for expenses for meals, transportation or accommodation far superior to those that are actually significantly cut taxable income, according to sources consulted by the newspaper.
addition, if the deputy or senator in question holds a position as chairman or member of a committee, his salary is fired, but no taxes. Thus, to be free of tax between 40% and 75% of their real incomes, political practice would be enjoying a marginal income of between 10% and 25%. That is, their Lordships taxable income as a citizen of medium or low (as mileuristas). Advantages of being
parliamentary deputies and senators have great tax advantages. For example, the Act Income Tax Chambers gives absolute power to fix the allowances of MPs, among other things, include extras de facto spokesmen for work, chairing committees, etc.., Without tax.
In this regard it is noteworthy that the English parliament members paid on average just over 3,100 euros a month, a figure that is increased substantially with the perks they get to play this or that position at this or that committee.
For example, the president of the Chamber has a monthly supplement of 3,605 euros plus 3,915 euros, also month for expenses, and other expenses 3,210 for unrestricted (To spend on whatever you like).
As for vice presidents, secretaries, speakers and deputy speakers bureau, receive one to three bonuses, ranging between 700 and 1,400 euros per month. And committee chairmen have almost 1,600 euros a month for "entertainment expenses" a little less seen by those in the aforementioned committees are mere secretaries and spokespersons.
Under House rules, as well as perceptions of the constitutional appropriation for the deputies are entitled to "aid, exemptions and allowances for expenses that are essential to fulfilling its function."
So all those who are not members of Madrid paid 1,823 euros a month extra to meet the "cost of accommodation and meals in the capital arising from the activities of the House." In the case of Members of Madrid, this amount is 870 euros extra per month.
extra salaries, tax free
To this we must add, of course, transport costs, which is also tax exempt, provided that the deputies do not have an official driver, which, incidentally, happens in most cases.
"From January 1, 2006, the subsistence allowance payable by Members journeys made on official stand at 150 euros per day in the course of travel abroad, and 120 euros a day in travel within the country, "according to the rules.
words, and in the vernacular, the taxpayers pay for the return home their Lordships alternating weekends and weekend too; Members that do not need but have come to argue that some institutional or political event in his hometown to pocket another 120 euros per day.
Laptop, mobile phone, office itself in Congress, personal assistant, here are some added privileges enjoyed by English parliamentarians for the mere fact of being.
MEPs, residents in the Canary Islands
MEPs also have big advantages. Although the EU and subsistence expenses are clearly priced, are much greater than in Spain and, indeed, may represent more than half of total income received by parliamentarians in Brussels. Of course, this extra income is also tax free. In addition, most of them are paid without verifying their actual use.
In fact, according to Business, "is not uncommon to find lists of English MEPs called residents in the Canary Islands. And, the journey from the Happy Isles is more expensive and, therefore, diets are higher. Not having control, real wages soar. In conclusion, the tax increases announced yesterday by Zapatero does not affect your lordships, unlike other citizens.
Source: Digital Freedom Economy (No, in the country not going to find it, no).
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