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In an even more difficult, MOSTRA COMIC offers unprecedented approach to the work of a storyteller. Titled "Do not feed the artist" the cartoonist Ruben Fernandez will normally one of his working days ... but in the eyes of the world. Will be Friday, April 8, from 11:00 to 14:00 hrs, in the window of the shop lifestyle Gnome (C / Denia 12). Rubén Fernández develop their professional routine in the window of the store, furnished and equipped as a true study of drawing. From the other side of the glass, the public can continue to Fernandez in his drawing board and onto your computer in order to learn first hand how he handles a storyteller in his work routine. Mixed Open Day and Zoo, the proposal provides an opportunity to end and unprecedented approach to the work a creative cartoonist.
Ruben Fernandez is known for his comedy series Federik Freak in the magazine "El Jueves", recently compiled album. In addition, a regular contributor at the head of comic art "The Mangroves" and in various fanzines. Also performed graphic design work and has directed several short films. One of the younger and more active representatives of the new mood of art in the world of comics.

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