Sunday, February 14, 2010

Can You Hack A Sidekick Lx

I am sad, hurt and disappointed

'm sad.

sad since I have cats because I not only discovered a world that was totally hidden from me, but because I see the number of animals suffering and misery go and people do not realize, as I was not me, or see it normal or even unsafe and a nuisance. And the real managers do something are the authorities, as well as control populations of pigeons or seagulls in towns or protected species in special areas, but is more expensive to control a colony of cats kill, and that's what they do, besides denying them food even when they see someone in a protective "turn a blind eye because it is not the same, but if you give them something a Viejín to get a ticket you care. With dogs is not very different: as you know, people get tired of them because they grow are not as nice as puppies, or because the dog breed so expensive that bought now has a disease and it is better to get rid of it, or it annoys the holidays ... I do not want to follow that you know all of that theme (dogs, cats will not know anything) and I do not want to be masochistic, or sadistic.

Me "autocomprometí" to do something, being ill is difficult but there is always something to do, and one of those things a bit, was to broadcasts by mail, not the animals that we will reship the same post in a closed circle, but all my contacts, with the idea that they in turn do the same and form a chain by a link would be good news.

These contacts do not have to read the message, forward it to your contacts only, for even you, yes, you do not want a dog or a cat, and even if you think that people who know either, perhaps the sister of fellow work to which it controls if it wants, or maybe a friend of your cousin like an animal, or perhaps they want to contribute something accounts of the protective or become partners or buy a lottery ticket, or maybe nothing, but may well get it back and extend these little news that is so great misfortune.

Work? Time? Do you have collapsed? The same as with other post from which nobody ever told me, at least for me personally, not sent. If you do not like a joke or photos you delete a pps and ready. If you like, corresponding to forward it. Why do not you forward these messages also animals seeking a home and die if not found, or at best, will spend their life in a protective? (In a kennel not, then kill a few days if nobody wants them). Are you really so difficult? So much shame gives you resend?

why I'm so sad.

Some people have written to me because I collapse the mail from work, and that really is not my intention nor intend to give you problems and I apologize. But I know that some of you send me another as a pps and that they occupy as much or more, do not collapse?

Others have written me saying that you are not interested in the topic, but I command you "other." To you should read this letter, among others.
Those other people are those borráis messages and I have put in because they do not send spam emails nice or funny, causing my injury because my account is considered spam, as I know and you know that here is a person behind, I'm no robot and no trojans or virus control even propaganda.

And I thought that they were forwarding the messages. In the end only forwarded .... Who? Do you still have not fallen? as accurate: the animals that I send them to me.
I am very upset seeing how the world and how are my contacts, particularly with people who have not been addressed to me personally and they have done to others for me to get their message: they're sick of my emails and they collapse their trays input, when these same people send me 100 euro voucher Mercadona where they have sent my address or a missing child who surely has the military or jokes they know that I tend to like and even fewer hunks calendar which are designed for homosexuals, not women, to see If you hear, or that if I forward an email it will collaborate with money entering the little girl with cancer (who) or postalitas of the Virgin and All Saints, or thong great I've seen a hundred times since I've been online since "started" and also others who do like me, of course, but the worst part is that these third persons come to tell me not to bother I do not know who do not tell me that they also send me messages and I collapse my tray (luckily I use gmail) and I've never protested and actually I like receiving them, and if I liked it to be deleted and you're talking out there would not count half or putting them in spam.

But worst of all is the huge amount of animals I thought they were "rulando" by the post and remain dead in the bins of my contacts. That's why I'm upset and desist, I will not bother you.
Although I hope this message makes you think a little and perhaps decide to do something that costs nothing! So

whoever it will forward messages to disseminate, to write me and ask me, I'm not going to send while no more. You can comment here what pleases you or write to the mail you already know some and those who do not have in my profile. And I do not think the thong nice re-send any because I understand that you also collapse and bother. To me yes, send all appreciate everything, but it has so many outstanding know I'm sick and it takes me a long time.

May you go well with everyone, and thank you very much for reading, if there is someone who has come here reading everything.

Fauve, la petite sauvage.

Pd .- No pictures in this post-card, or "copies" or "snags" and intricacies, because today I do not puzzle mural worth and say loud and clear what I think, without further complications, the pain, disappointment and sadness sometimes not so easy to show, especially to those who need to be told things Claritas, which is what we just pretend these tears today.


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