This time, jumping around in order to read (as always), I'll do otherwise. Long ago (and I do not remember how or where it was) and I talked BLAS (and some other blogger, I remember that was in the garlic Elphaba, perhaps Candela ...) Murakami. I said I did not like, yet was something that attracted me, I hooked, but did not consider he had no literary quality, but only the "best sellers", in which does not encompass virtually all but all, or read because I do not like nor do I attract or interest me, in conclusion: I did not know what was wrong with his books. Rather, with his book, because this happened to me Tokyo blues, and the author decided to leave permanently forgotten because I did not like: autoconvencĂ me that maybe I was hooked as he can fool anyone with a program on TV or PC or solitary sports day-to those who like sports.
One day, walking by FNAC, to which I have not seen since I timaron (I'm still waiting for an order delivered on 6 October last year which gave away an umbrella and before yesterday I arrived at the person to whom the umbrella! without books, after crossing the endless emails that tell me I had a problem and that they are trying to solve and as soon as you receive your order the person who has to receive him now or answer me) and to their nerve and a minimum total lack of professionalism and ethics of relying on the prestige of the brand that have dragged along the ground or below and muddy with all that run through the basement, I am no longer a member and shop there and of course I will not discuss them unless that is wrong.
The fact is that at that time still trusted "brand" (and I spent a lot of money there, what a shame), also walked and always came with some books, and know my vices, since that day I saw the cover everywhere Kafka on the Shore, Murakami, clear, warm, fresh from the oven and immediately attracted me to this cat looked at me with those eyes, as I am I looked like Max-and the title, as long as I see the name of Kafka. To the collection of the editorial was called "Maxi" ;-). But when Murakami ... I went ahead with a firm step and sure, but I do not know what happened to me when I crossed the wires and I turned around, took one that was not broken or open (a hobby, I know) like a robot obeying orders a higher plane (I'm not crazy, no, haha) and I took it in one hand, low, and went to the box to line up (as many boxes and so few cashiers, y) without looking, not to repent and turn around . I bought it.
At home I placed it in one of the libraries and there was. And the day came when I dared, I grabbed him and I started. I was surprised at what I found, I saw that was wrong (me), that the guy is a genius and very good books and it was I who was wrong, or the translator! because the Japanese language can not be translated as well, and all content was made by short or very short phrases with commas followed continuously and forming large paragraphs. We do not speak well or write well even classical. I started reading it and imagining commas obviating the score
me (I spelled that wrong but correct it very well, lol) and, of course, I loved it.
Later, a few weeks ago, I found a review of Maria Zamparelli in a book club that fascinated me because he said everything I thought and I would be able to express as well but I can not, so I wrote to ask his permission to publish in blog and he agreed, and I, delighted and grateful, I copy here:
I find it curious that for other reviews to which we referred to "X" on Murakami's novel are so superficial in content. After all, this novel is not the first writer who also, according to a review in The New Yorker, is seen as a possible candidate for the Nobel Prize for Literature.
Why not start at the beginning? In opening the novel the protagonist, Kafka (something like crow and must take into account what the raven symbolizes Chinese mythology) the protagonist who curiously did not know the name converses with another boy named Crow. The chapter is entitled precisely The boy named Crow. Since that first "dialogue" the author addresses the reality and tone of this novel. As we go we discover that another character named Raven does not exist. It is a manifestation of consciousness, the ego, the inner reality of Tamura. Who knows if their existential fears. The author goes on to explain to us nor will pull the line between reality mythology, spiritual or dream. Why? All lives as lives in the Greek myths, Roman, Celtic, Chinese etc. What baffles the modern reader, rather, to some contemporary readers is that all cohabit in the same plane. It is pertinent to recall that it is a novel, a writer constructs a reality. Another aspect that is disconcerting to some readers that the author anchor this "unreality" in advertising icons in a crazy old man who looks like a cat talking to a driver that drives trucks.
Here we enter the characters and their characterization n. Kafka Tamura is a fifteen year old whose father has been sentenced to a tragic fate. At first just know that the father is a famous sculptor. Kafka's father has established the fate of his son based on a mystery: the disappearance of his mother and sister. To me it seems a good metaphor to characterize a mythological god. Kafka is then the hero who needs to move into the world to confront his fate. Murakami characterized as a boy PCOC Karka common. Raven tells you. Kafka takes several years physically ready to face the journey to be undertaken. The author shows us again and again keeping cleanliness in relation to your body and gives the order to the places you visit. Not just any boy of fifteen. Has a mission and a purpose and has been prepared along time to comply with it.
same character develops Nakata. An old man who communicates with the cats. It is a human being who having lost the ability Cognitive, also by a mysterious event, you can access the world closed to other mortals. Something like a priest or a monk. Just when you visit the library Komura and contacts with the written word and Mrs. Saeki begins the end of Nakata. Importantly caminonero Nakata and loaded with stone from the door. Nakura speaking with Mrs. Saeki on the stone and she dies. Was she a ghost? "Another evil deity who was besieging Tamura? A mermaid, a demon?
cymatics point for Tamura is out of the woods (another common symbol in mythology and legends referring to a place with no clear order, full of mystery and danger). A peculiar forest where soldiers live World War II, Mrs. Saeki young girl. Is a forest with inhabits a reality incomprehensible. A Tamura reality that should be ignored once it is on the way to the real world. Under no circumstances should look back (as the wife of Job). Raven will try to persuade him to do, to succumb but the door is closing (Nakata's is closing) and Tamura must leave before it's too late. The hero has escaped the fate "inevitable." Raven transforms into a true crow flying over the forest. Tamura is a modern hero. Detemir escape his historic, sentimental, religious, mythological, etc.. Escape from the mirage to resume his life.
The novel has a lot of fabric where to cut. I give him ten stars of ten to the first reading. OTHER
"Y": The use of the crow struck me from the beginning it reminded me of Akira Kurosawa film, Dreams, in the which is a scene that shows a tree full of crows who fly off in terror. I searched the internet on the subject of the crow and found that the Chinese mythology can mean, among other things, a curse, an evil eye, finally something that does not bode well for the future. Although Murakami is Japanese Japanese literature has great influence of China.
From what I read about Murakami found that has entered the film world and that also seems to be evident in the cinematic quality images that are developed in the novel. Mary
- ESPECIALLY DEDICATED YAYA BLAS EVERYONE THAT SPEAK MURAKAMI ON THOSE DAYS AND, OF COURSE, WITH ALL MY THANKS TO MARY Zamparelli AND MY CONGRATULATIONS FOR WRITING WELL (MARI). Keep reading your reviews, Mary, although I'm not sure if I'll read some Murakami, for fear that my theory would collapse like a house of cards: it was nice while it lasted ...

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