Little by little, step by step, like an ant, including the fable because gone are the days of being cicada, I read books, KEEP READING! and now I'm with one in particular on the already confessed to not having read it in another entry in this blog, and about which they are now going to find information online, I do not know why! and I do not usually do, maybe sometimes after-read, clear, and what was my surprise to find an article on my beloved Enrique Vila-Matas (who from here send a warm greeting ;-)) on the menda masterpiece that reads lerenda your way ... I felt so eager to bring him here that I copy and paste without box, puzzle or anything of Me, and, if I want to put something more, and will edit.
The gap 'Petersburg' Enrique Vila-Matas
Andrei Bely wrote one of the major works of the twentieth century, whose center is the language and the modern cemetery
Petersburg, The word hung in the air, alone, unique. No one in the TV set could deny having heard. As of last Nabokov had dropped by surprise by naming the four masterpieces of prose of the century: "They are, in this order, Ulysses, Joyce, The Metamorphosis, Kafka; Petersburg, Andrei Bely, and the first half of the fairy tale of Proust In Search of Lost Time. "
bizarre mixture of humor and transcendence East, always close to bursting, as the pump against the senator.
Petersburg "? Who was Biely? It was the summer of 1965, and in those days there was still some interest in this kind of innocent subjects. Presse Grove reissue soon, a few months, that mysterious and almost forgotten Russian novel of 1906. It was soon learned that although he had been assigned initially by critics of his time to the wave of symbolism, Petersburg had never distinguished himself as a work easy to classify. And his experiments with language and its attempt to cover the daily life of an entire city, until he had come to be regarded as the Russian Ulysses. I think that is one of the strangest novels and complex ever written. I have reread these days and does not affect what I say the mood in this book to address the October 6, 1981 when I started to read for the first time and I still felt under the narcotic effects of several trials that placed French at the top of the universal complexity. Wonder now, rereading Petersburg, not only the complexity, so admirable, no doubt, but the overwhelming technical ease with which it overlaps Biely the book several layers of interpretation and especially the ease-own-with a genius which he knows to gather as much imagination and exuberance of the verb in an urban space ultimately as limited as deadly as the big city Nevsky Prospect is fed only a great ideal or rather, a trend.
- what fashion?
- Do you want to define it in words? It's like a general desire of death, I get drunk with her.
without losing the humor, key Petersburg palimpsest dramatized in the general desire of death and softens to a language (which manipulates Biely background) and a culture that runs out before our very eyes. Language and modern burial sites appear in the narrative. But we do not know how really important is the argument. Because Biely, like teachers and Eichenbaulm Shklovsky was a literary theorist to distinguish between story and plot. To Biely, the story was the plot, while the plot was the narrative mode that grouped the facts told. And the fable or pretext to forge Petersburg is simple, a distant relative of Dostoevsky's demons: the fragile young thinker Nikolai Apollonovich is ordered bombing of his own father, Senator Apollon Apollonovich Tsarist Ableújov, who says Biely with sharp irony, which is of noble origin, they "had in its origins to Adam."
probably not too much in this book has the story and yes, on the other hand, the plot, understood as a form, as a way to tell, maybe a subtle way so outrageous as to be contrary to straight some Orthodox, Western. Rereading Petersburg, I recalled some words of daily Eichenbaulm "Shklovsky is right when he says we should write new books incomprehensible as the fox turns sharply to one side while the dog continues to search straight." In fact, these words and sound like an echo at the very beginning Biely's novel "The Nevsky Prospect is (I say) rectilinear as an avenue to be European." We tied ropes. Although, if you think about it, are not we in the East? Why should it be so straight Perspective? In the plot, the icy city of Petersburg and its main avenue and the sleepwalker desire for parricide and the general desire of death, acting as a pretext for a speech spun detective novel, but also mystical novel (which is not without parallel worlds), the political novel, intertextual novel, cut a novel avant-garde, and even novel of manners. It is a palimpsest book today, accustomed as we are the plague of flat novels that invades us, may even surprise more than it could do when, with his accent vanguard, appeared in 1906 in Russia.
In Petersburg, announcing a promiscuity of genres that road would be opened later in the narrative of the century, many writings overlap resulting from the vision Biely art that had: a vision of history as, for invasion of art by a super-conscious awareness of sort of self-dispossession. Knowing this, we may not be so strange that Biely suffered in 1911, at Sils Maria, on the rock in which Nietzsche had the intuition of the eternal return, kind of a big breakdown. Incandescent had experienced the rise of the "wash the superconscious." "He separated himself? It appears that through a cold intellectual equation, got to experience the same openness of mind that can provide certain drugs that achieve our full connection with the cosmos. For a gap of his brain came the outside world, entered the living and, above all, a legion of dead.
The artist, one who knows perceive something greater than its reality, is exiled to the magma itself and gets momentum in the supernatural. This sense of openness, crack or hole, often described by Biely. It inspired several episodes of Petersburg is the subject of the gap at the end of the third chapter, is formed in the brain of the Senator: "Something with a roar like the wind in the chimney quickly sucked awareness Apollon Apollonovich through the blue wall gap: towards beyond infinity. " I think I never
my own laughter reader has come to move me much. Eastern bizarre mixture of humor and transcendence, always close to bursting, as the bomb against the senator. The crack, the crack supernatural, break, are images of the compass on the subject of this novel nervous. As police text, Petersburg revolves around the possible attempt parricide and slowly reels stationary action, suspense and horror and, ultimately, eternal return distraught. As a political novel, not on the side of terrorists, but also sympathizes with the powerful, the same nightmares torment each other, and all are agents of destruction, just as Apollonovich father and son are Apollonovich the same side of the same coin, or some physiological promiscuity: one imagines his father during intercourse, and another dreams of opening a hole to spy on his son.
As intertextual novel (as novel summary of the key issues of the library of his country because it is all too Petersburg) is simply extraordinary: Gogol, Pushkin, Dostoevsky, Lermontov, Chekhov, are discreetly present in the plot that summarizes in an equally discreet but effective secret level, the story line noblest of the great Russian fiction. As a mystical novel, meanwhile, offers probably the most interesting face and the most exciting of the palimpsest. The Man is a vestige of something else. Biely alludes to other realities and forgotten tracks. And with a rhythmic prose that haunts us his devilish plot is advanced, ie, the mode or form of cosmic structure strange and mentally all, his way of leading us sternly punctuated by an ironic narrator, Cervantes, to the general ruin the we were already installed, without knowing it before you start reading so very great masterpiece.
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